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Rabu, 22 April 2009


learn java
according to visual interaktif
dr. -ing. eueung mulyana
table of contents
picture list
table list
1 language java and oop
1.1 language component java
1.2 deeper with class and object
1.3 package and class book
2 identifications greenfoot
2.1 background
2.2 visual interface
2.3 direct interaction
2.4 scenario plane
2.5 scenario turtlegraphics
2.6 scenario ants
2.7 scenario lunarlander
3 modifications and programming
3.1 class wombat
3.2 class wombatworld
3.3 method turnrandom() for class wombat
3.4 change display / image
3.5 class modification wombatworld
3.6 add new class
4 scenarioes plane and turtlegrahics
4.1 scenario plane
4.2 several scenario modifications plane
4.3 scenario turtlegraphics
4.4 several scenario modifications turtlegraphics

5 scenarioes ants and lunarlander
5.1 scenario ants
5.2 scenario modification ants
5.3 scenario lunarlander
5.4 scenario modification lunarlander

6 furthermore with greenfoot framework and greenfoot fire
6.1 facilities exports to applet and application
6.2 make new scenario . . ”
41 pictures 3.1142 pictures 3.12

43 pictures 3.13

44 pictures 3.14

45 pictures 3.1546 pictures 3.1647 pictures 3.17

47 pictures 4.148 pictures 4.249 pictures 4.350 pictures 4.451 pictures 4.552 pictures 4.653 pictures 4.754 pictures 4.8

55 pictures 4.9
use load picture book greenfoot
execution sampe result populate() after class picture
wombat and leaf changed to pass “set image. . . ”
image that ( and ) used in scenario
wombats along with the size
method character change act() uses
setdirection() modified
execution sampe result randompopulate()
add class rock
display example randompopulate() with add
object rock

aeroplane object movement direction and constant interpretation speed
relokasi object controlknob may be
aeroplane movement direction control passes object position controlknob
inkonsistensi control in beginning condition
regulate object vertical position controlknob
aeroplane movement behaviour example after modification
description several variables in method drawpen()
experiment result display example with a few method
in class turtle
result display example that formed by object spiralturtle
with different parameter
56 pictures 4.10 result display example that formed by object circleturtle
with different parameter
57 pictures 4.11

58 pictures 4.1259 pictures 4.13

60 pictures 4.14

61 pictures 4.15

62 pictures 5.1

63 pictures

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